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05. March 2021

6 Ways Slow Data Retrieval Can Cost You in the Long Run

Data retrieval can cost you in the long run if you’re not careful. At Aparavi, we can help with a cloud-based, secure system that keeps all of your precious data right in one place.

Data retrieval is one key element of data management that can cost you in the long run if you’re not careful. Slow retrieval can snowball into a number of additional concerns, so it’s best to nip it in the bud with a streamlined system that ensures your data is readily accessible. At Aparavi, we can help you get there with a cloud-based, secure system that keeps all of your precious data right in one place.

6 Ways Slow Data Retrieval Can Cost You in the Long Run

1. Decreased Productivity

The number one way that you will feel slow data collection is employee productivity. Your team relies on accurate, fast data to make major decisions. If it’s not right there at their fingertips, it could throw off their entire day.

In the worst-case scenario, slow retrieval might even bring a team to its knees for an entire afternoon. If a piece of data is necessary to complete a task, your team members might be stuck with nothing to do for hours. This is time on the clock that they are not working because they don’t have the tools that they need.

Additionally, poor data management or difficulty retrieving data can spill over into your sales department. They might not be able to get all of the information they need about a customer because it’s tied up in your system. This slows down their ability to make sales calls, leading to a dramatic loss of productivity for you and your team. It also impairs them if they need to look up something while on a customer call, and that can potentially cost you in sales.

Keep your company’s productivity moving along at lightning speed by having your data easily and quickly accessible. It helps to be able to access it all from a secure, cloud-based platform that can connect all of your storage repositories in one easy-to-search interface. This way, your on-site workers and remote employees can get what they need right away.

2. Vanishing Data

While slow data might not necessarily indicate missing data, it does signify a larger problem. There is an issue with your data collection and retention, and that could lead to gaps in your information or vanishing data.

Even if the data is there, if your people can’t get to it, there’s no way for them to see the bigger picture, causing redundant efforts, where employees have to recreate work that already exists. You could also experience unnecessary delays due to search time, or stress and anxiety thinking that your data is missing when really it’s just clogged up in the works.

Having organized data helps you sleep better at night. Knowing that all of your data is indexed and accessible in one place, and that it can be retrieved when you need it will keep your employees from scrambling and allow you to feel much better about the overall health of your company.

3. Trouble Retaining Customers

![The true ROI of data privacy](
If you have issues retrieving your data, you could risk losing customers. Your customers rely on you to be able to produce what they need at a moment’s notice. If it’s taking an extremely long time for you to produce a piece of information, you run the risk of looking incompetent as a company.

Any business with a customer service arm needs a well-oiled data management system. Your customers simply won’t tolerate anything less.

4. Workflows and Systems Issues

Think of your slow data as the canary in the coal mine. It’s time to check out how other aspects of your data management are running to see if there’s a bigger problem. Difficulty retrieving data is almost always linked to poor systems overall. If your data management is healthy, you should be able to access what you need quickly. Perhaps you have a lot of duplicates in your data, or your files are stored in data silos that aren’t running as effectively as they could.

It’s possible that you might need to do a total overhaul of your data management system. It’s important to evaluate how you are handling your data from time to time and make any necessary tweaks to your current system. Streamlining your data management is an effective way to speed up your data retrieval and make your data a lot more secure.

5. Redundancies

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Slow data often has to do with redundancies. Often, companies will have duplicate files on their customers. This happens through human error and also because data is stored on many different systems. Redundancies cause two distinct problems. The first is that your data is hard to retrieve, and the second is that the information could be inaccurate.

If there are two files on the same client, but only one is up to date, your team could be mistakenly working off the incomplete file. Depending on your business, this kind of error could cost you hours of manpower or revenue.

6. Missing Red Flags

Incomplete data means that you don’t have all of the information that you need to see the bigger picture. Many times, data contains clues that there is something wrong, and warns you about problems that are right around the corner. Perhaps you are targeting the wrong audience because you don’t have all of the analytics or you’re creating a profile based on poor information.

Alternatively, perhaps there is a consistent issue with one of your customer service protocols that you’re not seeing because you are having trouble looking at all of your data. It’s imperative to have all of the facts in front of you before you make big company decisions. Slow or missing data can skew the picture and hurt your company.

Slow data retrieval isn’t just an annoying problem; it can cost your business valuable employee time and result in lost revenue in the long run. Take control of your data with our cloud-based, secure platform that allows you to access what you need readily. We streamline your data to erase redundancies and keep you completely compliant with data privacy laws, so you can get the most value out of your data. Contact Aparavi today to upgrade your data management!